Should I (26/m) be bothered by this?

I'm guessing she's abusing kratom. If she were simply using it to get off harder opiates, she would be using the same dosage every day. This would be called a maintenance dose, much like methadone. If she were working towards sobriety she would be using it in steadily decreasing dosages. The fact that she is borrowing money without your knowledge points to the fact that either she is using it in increasing dosages, or she is using/abusing other things as well. Either way, she is someone in active addiction. This is bad for your baby and your relationship.

Addiction is NOT a choice. It is a nasty disease that ruins the lives of the addict and the family. A person in active addiction will do whatever it takes to feed the monster. This includes lying and stealing. The addict wants to avoid getting sick, but honestly sickness isn't the worst part. Getting sober means ripping off the warm, fuzzy blanket that cushions life and numbs emotions, anxieties and nightmares from the past. Sobriety plunges the addict deep into the hopeless, cold, black waters of depression and despair. If there is a hell on earth, this is it. With time and help, it can get better. Unfortunately your girlfriend has a baby developing inside of this chemically unbalanced mess.

A baby born to a mother in active addiction has no hope of a healthy, emotional life unless the addict gets sober and gets help. There is no middle ground. Even if you take custody of the child and keep the mother at a distance, the child is going to be deeply wounded. Addiction has a strong genetic component and being born to an addict also provides an emotional foundation for the cycle to continue.

In my experience, if you want any hope of your baby growing up mentally and physically healthy, your girlfriend is going to have to get sober and get professional help to deal with the underlying issues. This is something she has to want for herself. If she doesn't want sobriety, there's nothing you can do to help her, but you can rescue your child. Document everything so that you have a case for custody when the time comes. You may want to start with having a conversation with her doctor. Many medical professionals have never heard of the drug she is using and need to educate themselves.

If it is kratom she is using, there are not a lot of studies on how it impacts the developing fetus. One thing I know for sure, it is an opiate and causes very real withdrawal symptoms. If the mother is using regularly, I cannot imagine that the baby won't experience withdrawal symptoms when born.

Finally, get help for yourself. Addicts need enablers to keep the addiction alive. They cannot function without them. It's a sick cycle that can be broken.

Good luck op. You have a tough road ahead.

Source: Am an opiate addict in recovery and have used/abused kratom while getting off harder drugs.

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