Should I be mad?

I guess I'm feeling upset because in order for me to get out of this situation and move, we have to do some serious strategizing with finances due to the serious amount of debt we're in.

Last year we tragically lost everything we owned and incurred massive debt. We can barely afford to live right now due to all the payments so we are living with friends with our 3 kids.

So communication in this regard is very important as we are moving forward so we don't go under individually or together. He stressed the importance of this meeting yesterday to make sure we have a plan to get me out and then bailed when the time came to talk to an ex. Even tho he already texted her all day and ignored his family.

Just feels like I'm stuck. He expects me to go from chronically ill stay at home mom to working enough to afford half of all the payments with zero help in regards to child support etc.

/r/latebloomerlesbians Thread