Should I know my girlfriend's sexual history?

On #1... Well, generally, people are judged based on their actions, and not just their thoughts. I know this isn't 100% analogous, but if I were an employer, I wouldn't ask "what are your thoughts on crime" to a potential employee, I would ask him about his criminal record. If I were potentially giving someone a loan, I wouldn't ask "what are your thoughts on irresponsible spending", but rather, look at his/her credit history. If someone were to be hired by a government agency, he wouldn't be asked, "what are your thoughts on foreign governments" on his security clearance, he would be searched thoroughly for any connections to a foreign government which may potentially compromise our security. After all, if my girlfriend said she thinks sex is between married couples only, but already had 400 one night stands... I'd wonder wtf is wrong with her, lol.

On #2... Once I get home, I'll get to it - just remind me. My mobile isn't the best for online browsing.

On #3... I'm in agreement with you that women generally do suffer more for wanting to explore their sexuality, and I think it's wrong. That's why even though I distinguish this as a dating preference, I don't look down on people who do sleep around, I just view them as people who view sex differently than me. Once again, not completely analogous, but it's like height. You may not have anything against short people or hate them, but you just wouldn't date them. It's like that for me. Of course, I am fully aware and won't lie - there is a major double standard between the two genders regarding sexuality.

That being said, do women really not give a shit if they found out their boyfriend had slept around A LOT prior to their relationship? I've talked to and known several women in my life, and of the ones I've talked to about this subject, most felt pretty negative about men sleeping around prior to their relationship (and I live in what's considered a pretty liberal area - Urban Minnesota). Sure, for most of these women, having one night stands before their relationship wouldn't be a deal breaker like some men, but I don't exactly think most women would be overjoyed to hear their boyfriend had previously slept with 80 women.

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