Should I withdraw differential equations?? MECHANICAL ENGINEERING

So this is my first ever post on reddit, also my first question, but I really need some advice from the internet. My advisor told me to continue taking the course even if I would fail it, which I'm very positive it will happen, cause in my years of studying mechanical engineering, i failed Cal1, (Cal2 i passed by a D ofc), Cal3, Probability and Statistics, and now ofc i'll fail DE.

Reasons why i failed the courses i mentioned: Cal1: cause i didn't study much and i had a bad professor Cal3: cause i didn't study much and the subject was hard P&S: cause i didn't study much and the subject was confusing for me

Yes, i was being lazy back then, i didn't put the required effort into those courses, but when i did repeat them, i put the effort and passed them, with some luck ofc. the other reason was cause my mind wasn't ready for those courses and I'm bad in math generally,

Now however, I'm putting the required effort (at least i think I'm), but the course is too damn hard to understand, and the professor (he doesn't know how to deliver the concepts to the students imo) isn't making it any easier. each HW problems are tough. basically, the course is hard and it really making me so depressed, literally, that i don't have the motivation to even continue taking it in this semester and it is making my mind very blank and stressed. I want to withdraw it, but i would get an Academic Warning if i did, since I'm taking 12 credits this semester, and if i failed to complete 12 credits, i will get the warning and if i withdraw it i would still get the warning...

So, 2 things will happen, either I get an F or withdraw the course then retake it in the summer and focus only in this course. This is my final math course in the MEEG curriculum and i can't believe i'll have to retake it :( you know, this feeling u get when repeating a course, isn't really a good feeling, u feel like giving up each time u fail, and u feel like a failure, heartbroken, etc. Over my years in the university, i failed a total of 5 courses!! 3 of them are mentioned above, and the other 2 were Major courses. So i went through those "negative" feelings 5 freaking times!!!! Im also already 1 year behind, and watching most of my colleagues (who entered the university the same semester i did) graduating soon and are way ahead of me is making me feel so jealous, and i know i shouldn't feel that way, cause its my fault why I'm on my 3rd year, and i literally finished 50% of the required courses, and ofc things will get even harder in the advanced courses, but screw the future for now..

Anyways, my question to you guys, should i continue taking DE, knowing i'll fail it (attending the classes, doing exams, or more like failing the exams, etc) or should i simply give up and accept that i'll fail and withdraw it before even the first test (which on this Tuesday)???

/r/AskReddit Thread