Silence is no longer an option

I can't speak to the Macleans article, as I haven't read it, but I believe your general sentiment to be the most on point thing I've read.
I'm upset as to how this has been handled by the media. I expect better from the CBC who point to the tragedies of Tina Fontaine and Brian Sinclair as being racially motivated. I think we need to address the root issues as you suggest. Many Aborignals leave the reserves with their poverty and lack of opportunity and flock to the one major urban centre this province has only to get caught up in the same cycle that they tried to leave.
I believe this is a much bigger issue than simply calling Winnipeggers racists. I think the Federal government and the Aboriginal leaders of Manitoba need to come together and find common ground solutions. There is too much inaction from both parties as well as too much finger pointing.
There needs to be more done to help Aboriginals celebrate their culture and help them integrate into Winnipeg.
The truth is that no one wants to address is that there is a uniquely Aboriginal problem downtown. I've lived downtown, I've worked downtown. I've never seen racism towards Aboriginals myself, which does not mean that I deny it's existence. However, what I would see all to often were intoxicated and belligerent Aboriginals abusive to others at bustops, flipping over Newspaper stands or garbage cans. I've been called whitey, or white boy more times than I can count, but it was always easy for me just to ignore it. I've seen and understand just how intimidating it can be for women to travel downtown for work. I understood perfectly the frustration felt by Mrs. Steeves' facebook post, though I don't understand her logic for posting it, nor the tone that she used in doing so. - These are hard things to discuss without being labelled a racist. If we were talking about Osbourne Village then I would be complaining about white kids who insist upon cleaning my car after I politely decline then proceed to smack my car and lecture me about common courtesy when really they need a lesson first in respect. I think that's what really lacking here. There is a lack of respect shown by all parities involved. I'd love to hear more from Aboriginal leaders on what they need specifically to help address this issue. I've heard how they've experienced racism, but that doesn't help me or other Winnipeggers to understand things any better. Just like the media generalizing all Winnipeggers as racist doesn't solve anything. Let's tackle the heart of the issues here.

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