Silicon Valley everyone

I'm so glad you can speak for homeless people on what is and isn't a minor or major annoyance.

I am not speaking for homeless people, I am speaking for people. Homeless people are people too.

I agree you shouldn't take pictures of people without their consent,

Great, then what's the issue? If you feel the need to take a picture of someone, ask them and respect their answer. What has been the point of this entire conversation if you already understand this concept?

But the simple fact is that documenting this is less harmful than not documenting it, They cannot represent themselves and require representation of others.

There is already countless documentation of homelessness from those who actually consented, this picture contributes nothing and does nothing except violate this man's privacy. There are plenty of organizations that can represent homeless people, a voyeuristic photo does nothing to help.

I love how you completely disregarded the fact you will be violating the privacy entirely,

I wouldn't be violating his privacy at all, as I already stated in my prior comments that this guy clearly doesn't want to be bothered so were I OP I would've gone about my business and left him to his. It's also not a violation to politely approach and ask, just as it wouldn't be a violation to knock on someone's door to ask them something.

You've never been in this spot yet you speak so proudly and so confidently on the behalf of them.

I was homeless for a bit in my 20's. I'm not speaking on behalf of this man nor I am speaking on behalf of homeless people. I am speaking on behalf of all people in that pictures should not be taken without consent, that's it. You are overcomplicating this greatly.

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