Simple reason negative gearing will never be scrapped

I'm one of children whose parents encouraged buying property young for financial security. So been through a decade of being a landlord and juggling numbers.

Grandfathering current negative gearing is a must. Wiping neggearing entirely is going to have investors look at ways to either cut costs or increase rental income to make up for the lost (tens of) thousands lost during tax time. Renters will almost be in the firing line for rent increases as soon as the end of lease legislation allows. Buying a property thats profitable from day 1 is rare in Sydney. If investors en mass realise they’ll hemorrhage when negative gearing is gone, theyll make the same rent hike decision or GTFO by selling real fast. I dont like to idea of slugging families or skilled immigrants with unrealistic rent hikes. Thatll happen though if the situation is handled with a hammer instead of a scalpel.

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