Still frustrating to have to deal with that though

In the context of this discussion, minority genders, and those that study them.

In this case what's the problem? People with alternative sexualities exist. People know Transgender people exist. But they are such a small minority that having a 3rd toilet that 1 out of 200 people will use is a ridiculous request.

I'm not worried about alternative sexualities seeking recognition. Recognition is just being recognised as existing. But when you lump yourself in with people that are happy to post about how cisgender people make them sick and should die I stop caring.

But there are very few actual alternative sexuality people, it's just not that common, and they are being used as a shield or a flag of convenience for violent people.

Can you give specifics on "they." As in some group that got everything they wanted, but just stuck around for the money, or whatever other reason?

"They" is an amorphous term, I'm specifically talking about Social Justice Bullies here. This is someone who has been on the fringe of society and was generally socially powerless. They're not socially popular and they don't fit in, the misfits. It's very common to see them talk about the anxiety disorders they have, because in their world, having problems equals victim status, which equals power.

Some of them no doubt care about social justice issues still, others would most likely have forgotten about their social justice roots, and others are just bullies.

But they bully, that's what they do, because they are a powerless group of people, that has suddenly gotten a taste of power. They are now important, and working for an important issue in "social justice" They are working for a "fairer society" And to them the ends justify the means, anyone who works against them becomes an enemy and a threat to their power. They get to be in an Us V Them group and hold a privileged position in their "tribe" Shit like this is like crack to people's psychology. And the worst part is that they are filtered through layers so the average person on the street hears a reasonable message in line with the feel good narrative.

Just as an example, a hardcore vicious bully posts something on Tumblr about Rape culture and that every Man is a part of it and guilty for the crime of being Male.

Jessica Valenti, a semi radical writer who has a spot for the Guardian somehow, sees this and translates it from Tumblr Speak to New Speak which is in turn then consumed by a mainstream audience who reads that all Women feel threatened by Men because of a minority of Men and the majority of Men should protect Women by modifying their actions. (Still outrageous but not so outrageous that people question it as it's "To protect Women") So normal people read this over and over and then it becomes part of the narrative, and because it's about "protecting Women" or "being a fair society" it's too noble a goal to question. A classic case of the ends justifying the means when if people questioned the premise logically it would immediately fall apart.

The only reason the narrative exists is because of Female privilege. Rape Culture was originally used to describe prisons, but no-one cared untill it affected Men. All this talk of checking your privilege and the biggest privilege is Female Privilege, which remains unchecked, because anytime the narrative is questioned then you are labelled a misogynist.

Because it seems that you are simply opposed to ideas, but not any group in particular.

I am very opposed to "Social Justice" Because I used to be very passionate about it, I used to read Tumblr blogs non ironically and then I got a bit older and even 7-8 years ago it was relatively normal, then it started getting weird and I started thinking "What did I just read"

I oppose SJW's because I used to be one.

And I still care about a fair and just society for everyone, that hasn't changed. Racism and Privilege is still a thing in society.

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