A sizable portion of posts here are not about Karens. OP is the jerk in many of these situations.

Oh yeah. /u/Waspstar896 had a good one a weekish ago whining about a white elephant event. Nearly every comment was pointing out he was the Karen. Proceeded to double down with dismissive comments and ignoring what others were saying.

It's kinda funny watching Karens complain about others and then suddenly realize everyone disagrees with them.

I mean, dude responded to a comment of mine DAYS after I made it. Either they were still laser focused on the post ages after or waited until no one else would be around to down vote them.

Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckYouKaren/comments/zwm1bn/karen_tries_to_get_others_to_steal_booze_for_her/

/r/FuckYouKaren Thread