Sobbing to myself on the living room floor

I can understand his feelings of being pressured about sex, but communication isn’t really something you can avoid in a relationship. If he can’t communicate difficult topics… he can’t be in a fulfilling relationship. I have one last suggestion for you as a HLF myself… let things cool down a little… and when you’re calm and can talk without being too emotional, tell him that you’re not pressuring him for sex but you do have to talk to each other. Give him a few days to process his feelings and thoughts, even ask him how much time he needs so that he feels like his feelings are important in this as well, and process your own feelings too. Write stuff down if you need, I know I did. I’d stress that you want to hear him and you want to be heard. Telling my husband that made him understand that I wasn’t fighting with him, but just talking. (If I’m overreaching I apologize, I just think it’s sad that he won’t even talk to you…)

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