Some of us don't know the raid mechanics yet. If you're gonna help stop getting mad and insulting us and leaving mid way through.

Ok, but imagine this real quick. OP and his friends or whomever else he is running with have no idea what to do. Whatever, no big deal, they said as much in their post. Then, when the random people join in who DO know how to do it (we'll call them Bill), don't listen to Bill, or have to be taught to do the same thing over and over again by Bill.

I play in a lot of PUGs. I did one 2 days ago with 5 people who had never completed it before. Two of the guys were 13 years old and when I joined them at golgoroth were talking over people who had done the fight and wouldn't listen. I told them that they needed to listen and stop talking over people when they were explaining things, they complied, they did excellent through the rest of the raid. If they hadn't, I would have left. I'm completely 100% okay with teaching people how to do the fight, or hell, even experimenting with random people if they think that something else will work better. But I'm not going to waste my time trying to teach someone who is inconsiderate or doesn't want to put forth the effort to concentrate on learning how to do the raid.

In that same group, we had a guy that kept failing at the same things over and over again. We tried moving him around to different positions, but he failed at all of them. He couldn't do the jumping during the deathsingers, and he had dozens of opportunities to practice, because we spent about 2 hours there. There's nothing I can do for that person either. In the end we killed Oryx simply because everything lined up perfectly, and that guy didn't really have to do anything.

I feel like everyone is assuming that OP is a saint and 6 random people all decided to fuck his day up, but I highly doubt that was the case and instead offer that maybe his post was misleading, or he was incorrigible and there was no point in continuing to try to finish the raid.

In fact, look at his post history. I don't see a single post that says LFG/M for a blind run. I don't even see anything about not knowing how to do it for that matter.

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