Some men just want to see the world rage

Like the other comment said, if it doesn't bother you at all why are you spending time writing big paragraphs explaining why this why that, nobody cares and if you didn't then you'd shut the fuck up.

Yes its a video game and classifying people into groups of "People that think like you" is more of a reason why you shouldn't have children so that your shitty children don't grow up and preach their opinions on reddit to people they disagree with.

My point still stands. Idiots make idiots. Video game or not, if this guy comes off like a douche, idiot, asshole, whatever, why would you want MORE of those type of people, thus the common one liner "I hope you never have kids." And that's all it is, a fucking one liner by a random internet stranger that "nobody cares about" but you seem to care a whole lot about.

And stop fucking classifying people with your high horse prejudice, like some people take gaming fucking seriously. Have you not noticed the previously rank 1 player Lynx Titan with his aspergers, and woox with whatever shit he has going on, video games is all some people have, these are generalizations, but of course they take it seriously. And its perfectly okay that they do. All this is besides the point, the point is if anyone should not have kids it is you, so stop spouting your opinions and judgements on other people like you run the world and shut the fuck up.

P.S. you obviously have never met a fucking psychopath, if you think typing a line of text over the internet is considered to be "psycho." So you think "you should never have kids." is psycho, but the other kids running around telling you to kill yourself, telling you you have autism, telling you they're going to find you and kill you and rape your family and whatever fucking other bullshit has been said to me in the past 10 years on this game, isn't psycho? Your argument is full of holes. You are a massive idiot.

Why don't you go talk to hitler. The person who was ACTUALLY a psycho. The person that killed MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. That is a psycho. Not some prepubescent teenager whos butthurt on the internet typing a silly line about someone having kids. God you're an idiot.

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