I somehow managed to lose 17 kilos in 45 days...

I don't comment here in /r/Fitness a lot because I don't really find myself qualified to contribute, and maybe this comment proves my lack of qualification, but I often lurk here to read and learn. However, this time around I felt compelled to share with you my opinion of how I take care of my body because I relate to you (I'm about the same size as you).

Soda was a big issue for me growing up, probably 1 or 2 sodas a day because I just loved sugar. When you wrote that you drink soda a lot, I wanted to share with you how I stay discipline with my soda intake because it has worked for me (for the most part). Personally, I'm a big fan of 'everything in moderation' so having a soda every now and then isn't bad, as long as you're aware of it; it's almost like eating a cookie.

However, based on the amount of replies I've received, it seems that my "Artificial Sweeteners are bad" comment hit a nerve with some people. I just want to reiterate that just like any other sweet (cookie, cake, lollipop), soda is fine in moderation...as long as you're tracking it.

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