Somehow I’ve never thought of this. Please consider switching.

i’m vegetarian, and this might be true for some people but not for me. i don’t condone animal testing at all, i don’t own anything that is leather, fur, or suede, and i don’t buy makeup and soap products from companies that test on animals. i’m a peta member and volunteer at an animal shelter, and i buy my eggs from a family friend who has their own chickens. the only thing i’m guilty of is buying yogurt and milk from the store, and they’re from free-range cows, and i’m trying to switch to vegan yogurt and cashew milk. i tried going vegan awhile back but couldn’t get enough protein and my hair started falling out so i went back to vegetarian. i’m not perfect, but i’m doing everything i can for animals and for my health.

/r/vegan Thread Link -