As someone who pirates, let's stop pretending there's any good justification for doing so. It's stealing, whether you accept that or not.

"I listened to music for 20 years without ever paying, but if it cost money, I would have just never listened to music."

"Record companies were unethical, so I'm happy to support streaming services that offers endlessly worse conditions and less money for musicians."

"People between the ages 15-40 should be allowed to take for free since they spend more money on games, music and movies, than the other half that includes grandma and babies."

"I want musicians to work for donations. I dont want other professions to work for donations. No follow up questions, please."

I heard all the excuses and they all suck. Keep pirating though, I want my favorite musicians to have a day job rather than focus on music.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread