Sounds like a great department to work for.

I wish I had what it took to be an operator in my area. All it takes is listening to the local scanner for about 20 minutes for me to change my mind because A.) sounds like just about every operator who relays code is a female and B.) the thick country accents they all have makes me really self conscious about my own voice, and that I would have to live up to a certain vernacular all my elders use. Not just speaking it but understanding it as well, which probably gets easier with practice and knowing exactly what you're listening for, but damn if it ain't intimidating to hear some of the more senior members communicate with eachother. I swear sometimes their words sound the way a doctors handwriting reads.

I guess at the end of the day I'd rather go for it and know if it weren't for me than never apply for it at all and wonder what could've been.

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