[Spoiler] SK Telecom T1 vs Team SoloMid / MSI 2015 - Group Stage / Post-Match Discussion

I honestly thought TSM had a REALLY good chance when Dyrus TP'd bot. Sure TSM didn't come out ahead in kills during the exchange, but even after dying twice Dyrus was doing respectable damage and Marin HAD to flash away from his Hecarim and Wolf limped away very low. I was also very, very optimistic when Bjergsen forced Faker to burn his flash solo really early in the game. Bjergsen was up a TON of cs (a ton when you consider the caliber of player he was matched up against).

Then... Lustboy and Santorin went complete solo queue. While it's easy and circle-jerky to say Dyrus played bad I really think Santorin and Lustboy just flat out lost the game. Let's be real, is it easy to kill Urgot and Alistar? No, it's not. Yet Santorin continually spam ganks bot lane and completely ignored Dyrus, just terrible play from him in two games. Not "Eh he played bad," but terrible.

Not to mention during every gank Lustboy was sitting so far back, threw the lantern, then flashed + Flayed when SKT was pretty much under tower (not to mention they knew the gank was coming). Like please, please stop trying to force such a terrible gank.

They got completely tilted, they got complete stage fright and felt like they need to force something and pretty much lost the game for themselves. Instead of making SKT beat them, they just hit the Self-Destruct button.

Santorin was sitting around bot too much when it was warded. Then he went to try to counter jungle Bengi's Raptors when he had Lvl 6. He ults to dragon pit, goes over the wall and what do you know - free kill to Faker. Then Lustboy would sit around mid/river/scuttle trying to make plays when it's like, do you not know how far behind you are? JUST FARM!

Then he would get collapsed on and once again, feed 100% unavoidable kills. It was just terrible.

It reminded me of some Season 3 LCS game when people just played so stupid. Oh well. TSM just sucks in best of 1's. They get nervous, scared and tilt so hard. In best of 5's they would easily put Fnatic, AHQ in the dumpster and they could realistically beat SKT/EDG in a bo5. Well, they'd have a chance.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread