Sri Lanka will ban the wearing of the burqa and shut more than a thousand Islamic schools: Government minister

It does say so in islam. Its in a hadeeth and is sunnah by the practice of . Some women do choose to wear the niqab or burqa. Some are forced. To make a law banning it is to ignore the rights of the women who choose to wear it.

My mom and sisters wear the niqab while some of my aunts and cousins just wear the hijab. Nobody treats one as better than the other and nobody forces them to wear these things. My mom and sisters are all very accomplished (mom was a CPA, one sister is completing a teaching degree to teach special needs kids and another sister has a dual degree in psychology and english). We live in Canada and a lot of muslim sisters wear it out of choice. Its how they want to practice islam. I can't imagine someone banning it. Its part of the muslim identity.

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