Starting Friday, women in California can get birth control without prescription

Shitty comparison because health insurance does cover checkups and basic diagnostic testing. People aren't cars.

But it's still insurance, that serves the same purpose. To indemnify yourself from risk. And insurance shouldn't cover checkups.

Only an economic illiterate thinks it's a smart financial decision to prepay to a 3rd party for a routine, inexpensive service only for that 3rd party to tack on their fees and profits while restricting how and where you can use the service. Further, if you don't use the service, you don't get your money back.

That's what stupid people think is a good idea.

I use milk, maybe it's my milk rights to have milk insurance, so instead of going to any grocery store I want and buying any milk that suits my fancy, I'll prepay for 4 gallons of milk a month + a 30% premium to cover their fees and costs and let the milk insurance company, politicians, and employers restrict which grocery stores I can go to and which types of milk I can buy.

That's freedom!

Cry me a fucking river. Would you rather pay for the cost of a woman having a child? Or the treatment for any number of diseases that BC can prevent? Because the cost of a few pills is nothing compared to the above.

Why do you think women have unwanted pregnancies because they don't have contraception insurance?

And maybe people with religious objections to war should be able to opt out of paying taxes that go to the military.

Your health insurance is paid with taxes?

This is the biggest BS excuse that I've ever heard. Religion has no place dictating women's healthcare, or even general healthcare policy in this country.

Everybody you demand contribute to your cost of healthcare deserves a say in it.

If nuns don't like it, there are plenty of countries around the world that do control women's health based on religious beliefs.

How about don't make them pay for it? How about that? You about instead of them moving, how about you simply stop forcing others to pay for your personal lifestyle and sexual preferences?

Wouldn't that be cool?

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