Stop making fun of NoFap

You're saying attacking NF makes PF a toxic community, and there's no need to talk about NF here, but then why are you attacking PF on PF? Aren't you spreading the same kind of toxicity about the sub, and that, too, on the sub itself? If it's 10-20% of the users, how can you say the whole sub has become toxic? I feel offended, just like it offends you when NF is attacked. You could've easily taken this up with the mods but no, you create this post so that everyone see it, even the 90-80% of people who don't talk about NF. Not sure what your reasoning was behind that.

I read your comments below, and I have never seen anyone here who is obsessed with NoFap. The complaint I have with the criticism of NoFap here is that it's way too focused on 'superpowers', and not on its other problematic ideas. My complaint is that the problematic elements of NF are not criticised enough!

Also, I dunno what to make of you spelling Foobar's name wrong. It's right there in the side bar, you could've easily checked. I don't see how your comments are any less toxic than those of the trolls you're attacking.

/r/pornfree Thread Parent