Stopping by after a long Reddit break

I didn't check your previous post. I don't know what reactions you received, so forgive me if I'm off base.

Here, in this post, though, people react the way they do because you've come here to tell people who have dealt with abuse, confusion, and crippling self-doubt over their relationship experiences that "hey, maybe you're wrong. Look how good I have it. Maybe you should continue to consider what you might have done better or differently."

You've come to a subreddit full of emotionally vulnerable people and played out the tired, disgusting cycle of inflammatory but "reasonable" statement, waiting for a defensive response, and then playing the victim all so you can feel personally validated.

There are words for you that I'm not going to type out because I need to double check this sub's rules. If you've found someone that works for you, good, but find a better audience.

/r/BPDlovedones Thread