Stuck in a rut. Please help


If you want to be a teacher move to Las Vegas, Arizona, Florida, or North Carolina. You will be hired in a heartbeat.

100 years ago people moved form Europe to the Americas for a better life. Today you need to move to the state where the jobs are.

My wife is a teacher. She started out student teaching in Ohio but couldn't find any full time positions. One of the jobs she applied for she got an e-mail back that said "Thank you to all the 1,754 applicants. . . "

So she moved to Las Vegas and was hired on immediately, full time, full benefits, and at $47,000 a year. With only Student teaching as experience.

After 8 years of teaching out there (and meeting me) we moved back to the mid-west and she got a job in less than a year.

Also, if you are a teacher you qualify for loan forgiveness. You will pay ~$50 a month on income based and they will be forgiven in 10 years.

And not necessarily to you OP, but I see this all the time where people say that they apply to "Over 200" jobs and don't get any. If that is the case, you need to stop at around the 50th and re-evaluate your shit.

Something is going on, on your end at that point if 200 employers are passing you by for other people.

Do you have University of Phoenix on your resume? If so, 86 that shit right now, many places don't hire people who ever taught there or even went there. Get rid of it.

Make sure you didn't misspell any simple words,

Maybe you are applying for positions above your qualifications. Start applying for entry level jobs and then work your way up through the company. Many companies promote from within, so when that management position opens up they are not even looking at the applicants. They only post the job to cover all their bases if it doesn't work out.

Finally, and on a more personal note,

If you know what you want to do with your life, find someone who is already doing and make them your mentor.

It's not that hard to find someone doing what you would like to do. That whole "six degrees of separation is pretty accurate". If you want to be an audio engineer, or a Principal, or Master Woodworker, just start asking your friends and family if they know one. You will be surprised how fast you find someone doing exactly what you want to do. Then reach out to them, offer to take them out to lunch or dinner and befriend them and get to know them. They will help you more than any degree or experience ever can.

You will find that the Principal wants to be a woodworker, the woodworker wants to be an audio engineer, and the Audio engineer wants to be a principal, and none of them originally went to school to be what they are. But through time and association they eventually became what they are today.

I think that a big problem with younger people today is that they have a "dream" and that unless they realize that dream they are unhappy. Realize that the happiness is not in the job, it's in what you do with your life outside your job. And if you have a passion, let that passion come alive in any job you find. And know that every job you have is 100% temporary. Every place you live is temporary, and your life itself is temporary.

So just go out there and get it done, if you need $15,000 more a year because your friends make that much then just go get it. If that means moving to a city you never heard of in a State you have never been to, just go do it. If you truly don't like it, QUIT and move back.

You will find that through your journey of life you will have times where there seems like there are absolutely no opportunities for you, then SMASH CUT to one day you are choosing between 8 different opportunities and you don't know which one to pick!

Just keep your nose clean, stay close to the people who you think are successful, avoid the people you think are losers, don't burn any bridges, and take all the risks you want. This is life after-all, nobody gets out of here alive.

/r/personalfinance Thread