Students of Reddit, have you ever lost your temper with a teacher? What's your story?

Late to the party.

I was not the best student in our huge band, I joined to enjoy it. I was disciplined but enjoyed the occasional shenanigans that drew ire and impatience from some of the "higher tier" players. It all came to fruition when the ex of one of them sat with me on a long trip and we were watching a movie on my phone sharing headphones. I don't remember exactly why, but phones weren't allowed to be used or something. I ended up getting reprimanded by my lead, but when that didn't do anything, top bitch went to the director, and she tossed me out. I got into a good shouting match with the lot of them before going to the principal. Ended up dropping the last half and taking up debate. Nothing happened on their part, but I did end up dating the girl for 6 months.

High school is a bitch

/r/AskReddit Thread