This sub grieves for the victims of Mandalay Bay

Yeah, I didn't like his argument, either. Of course, there will always be a way for anyone with enough dedication to kill large numbers of people. You can get common items from any hardware store which can be combined to make very powerful explosives. That's no reason not to take such actions as may be helpful to reduce harm.

The problem with gun control in the U.S. is that there's no way to confiscate a meaningful proportion of over 300 million civilian-owned firearms. You'd only end up collecting a few old weapons which would otherwise sit, rusting in the attics of the heirs of their former owners. All the people who are truly dangerous with guns, such as the shooter in Las Vegas, would still have them. And therefore, all the people like me, who just want to defend their families, would still have them.

So, you're right. Gun control is not a solution, here. We need to stop talking about an impracticable fantasy and start trying to come up with real solutions that could work.

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