Summing up the post I made 7 months ago

And as per usual I'm posting RuFire's new team, one time just because of my post a completely unknown but promising mix had a chance to change their life moving from chilly Russia to a sunny Miami, let's see what could happen now.

S-Gaming's lineup currently looks as follows:

Alexey "RuFire" Burakov (24 yo)

Artem "kise" Glebkin (18 yo)

Petr "FAME" Bolyshev (16 yo)

Dmitry "Diray" Nikonchuk (20 yo)

Gleb "S1natoRRR" Olchedaevsky (16 yo)

From what I've seen I could easily highlight this S1natoRRR guy, kid hitting insane shots and dropping 25 bombs almost in every game so far, RuFire says that on the praccs the kid eliminates even tier-1 opponents. He is my "One for the future" actually!

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