Super Delegate system is such a joke, and I'm angry because Bernie was screwed from the get-go!

The problem isn't "super-delegates" It's the entire system.

We are so ingrained in this system that it's sometimes hard to take a step back and realize what it actually is, to take an objective look at the whole thing.

When you compare it to a micro level system it makes sense.

You are part of an HOA, there is a president of that HOA and they are elected every 4 years. You and a few neighbors come up with a decent platform for how to run the neighborhood and you call it the "Sensible Approach". You hand out flyers and 40% of the neighborhood agrees with you, you invite anyone who want's to come to a meeting to come, but they have to pay a few dollars for the cost of the meeting, by doing so they become members of the party. You e-mail them and keep them up to date on what's going on.

Over a few years you get a few HOA presidents elected, things change in a direction you like, but there are still some people who don't like you. And some of those people come to your meetings and are part of your "party".

But your party is in NO WAY affiliated with the HOA, you are just a group of people trying to elect someone into the HOA. Your group is completely private, and your members do not have any guaranteed rights within the party. It's a completely voluntarily organization that has nothing to do with the actual HOA (which holds legal authority over the homeowners) our little voluntarily group holds no legal authority over anyone.

The problems start when the elected president makes legal rules on behalf of the HOA and under the authority of the HOA that can alter the election.

And that is pretty much where the US is.

It's not that the democratic party has super-delegates, they can do whatever they like. They are private and hold no justified power. The problem is that they have been (for years) creating laws that make it almost impossible for anyone else to run for elected office unless they are vetted and supported by the democratic party.

The republicans do this as well,

We don't need term limits, we don't need campaign finance reform, we really don't need to abolish super-delegates, what we need to do is reform and limit the amount of power politicians have in the first place. Because every law and every regulation that limits political competition was literally created by a politician acting in the best interest of their respective party.

Somewhat related.

I read a book back in the day that was written in the 1870's and was pretty political in nature. I don't remember the name, maybe someone will remind me.

But the author was not American and was talking about how women in the US don't have the right to vote. He acknowledged that it was strange for such a progressive and large country to not offer suffrage to women, but at the same time wasn't too concerned about it since votes in the US were not that important. Basically he thought that rights were so clearly defined by the constitution, and political powers were so limited and balanced. That who was in power really didn't mean anything. We need the people to fill the positions, but they are not their to enforce, alter, or impose anything on anyone's life.

Not that I would ever wish to take the right to vote away from anyone, but rather that the government was so consistent and that rights were so clearly defined, that politicians really didn't have to do anything. And that politicians powers were so limited that even if they wanted to do something they legally couldn't.

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