Suspected uBPD chooses another over you. 4 weeks later he’s active again on social media, friending very very scantily clad women and liking their photos. Is new supply in devaluation phase?

We dated for a year officially. I left after the police were called and he was arrested for domestic violence. I left because I felt that I couldn’t hide the abuse anymore; the cat was out of the bag so to speak, and I was afraid of what he might do to me when he got out of jail.

… I continued to be entangled with him for the next two years until he monkey branched to the new supply. I read up on BPD thinking I could help him and went back to him a couple of times during those two years. Not to mention the statistics say a domestic abuse survivor goes back an average of 7 times.

I’m still not completely free but I’m working with a therapist breaking the trauma bonds and attachment I have to the pwbpd. I’m working on my core wounds from childhood.

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