Suspending Students For Odor Of Marijuana On Their Persons is a Problem In Pot-Legal States

Rural SC. Starting in the 6th grade I would get search at my schools office, the principle and the counselor at least once a week for drugs. They would pull me out of art class and have me empty my pockets etc, take off my shoes, empty my bag. By the 9th grade they would have a drug dog waiting on me as I got off the bus. I would have no choice but to walk by it.

In the 9th grade it continued. I would get searched once a day, they would search my car in the parking lot, locker etc. In my 10th grade year my then pregnant GF (now wife of 17 years) had to stay after school. I had left school, went and got some food. Came back two hours later for her, parked the car in the drop off loop. Got out, locked my doors, etc etc and went into the school for my GF. When we got back out we had 3 patrol cars and the school admin at my car. They asked to search the car. I said sure, whatever, as I had nothing in my car. They claim to have found a dime bag of a weed.

To the day I swear to god I didnt have any weed. The car was in my now wifes name who was still in class. 6 months pregnant. They tried to charge HER with possession on school grounds. She had to write a essay about how school is bad etc etc. We were both under 17 so they couldnt really do shit.

After that we both quit school, got our GEDS. Shes a nurse and I'm a web developer. Years later I ran into the old study hall teacher at our highschool. He told me the reason they always searched me was because I had long hair, skateboarded and the other kids told the teachers that my family were devil worshipers who sacrificed goats on the weekends during massive parties. Granted I was a fucked up teenager, did have a drug problem and was a shitty person in general. I was never stupid enough to take drugs to school. I know 100% the drugs the school and officers they claim they found in our car was setup. They setup a 16 year old kid for weed and tried to pin it on his 16 year old pregnant GF because the car was in her name.

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