[NeedAdvice] In the past few years I've been so obsessed with the idea of living an optimized life that it's destroying my ability to actually get anything done or have any fun. I'm burning out before I'm even able to begin anything.

I am a psychologist - not clinical, but social/behavioural/experimental/neuro.

Here is something to think about.

You have less free will than you think. Often, our bodies automatically decide what to do and we rationalize the experienced behaviours after. Most people say this is upsetting and/or crazy, yet they readily admit they can drive to work and not remember a single thing about it.

Our brain can automatize the drive to work - it can also automatize well-practiced rewarding behaviour. I say 'rewarding' in the rat-press-button sense: reddit, games, porn, food, weed, whatever it is.

If you do these things a lot - and I'll bet you do - they are well-practiced. They will be dominant. Fucking off becomes a habit, so whatever you do will lean toward that set of behaviours. And you won't 'like' them, explicitly (consciously) sometimes, but implicitly (unconsciously), you love them. You love fucking off. That's why you 'find' yourself doing it all the time.

Now: how does this relate to your problem of endless analysis?

Your pattern of behaviour has one, all-encompassing factor: it keeps you away from difficult things, and moves you towards your quick reward habits. Isn't that interesting?

Now, here's the REAL kicker:

Your thoughts are what let you keep your 'fucking off', high-reward lifestyle. You move from thing to thing, never going anywhere, because actual action is not your brain's goal. I repeat, actual action has not been your brain's goal.

You think what you need to think to comfort yourself enough to re-engage in your favourite high-reward behaviours.

The point of your actions has not been self-improvement, but self-comfort; you do these mental gymnastics merely as a means to get back to high-reward patterns whenever you're upset.

If you want to know what you want, look not to your thoughts as they will lie to you. Look at your explicit actions for the truth about how you (your brain) is structured.

/r/getdisciplined Thread