Tanks aren't the problem, Gromp isn't the problem, Thornmail is not the problem, and...

I seriously don't understand what ADCs want anymore. Tanks can't get nerfed without them being useless again, assassin meta is 100-0.

There's champions, summoner spells and items to counter all of this, probably shouldn't go an Ezreal, Lucian or Graves against a Maokai/Shyvana top or Sejuani jungle.

Tanks are balanced and assassins are balanced (as much as it pains me to say whenever I see a Katarina/Zed in the mid lane or Sejuani jungle) and there are several ways to get past them, whether it be Guardian Angel for assassins, QSS/Last Whisper/BotRK for tanks or just plain champion picks.

I've actually talked about this with my best friend (he plays nothing but adc) and discussed what would be the problem and we agreed on that, it is annoying but as the adc it's usually the picks that matter the most, a lot more than in other lanes, having an Ezreal instead of a Vayne can lose you the game but having a Shyvana instead of a Mundo is pretty much the same because their purpose is running up to the enemy team and tanking, that tanking is handled by items, while as adc you have most of the same build.
Keep in mind I wrote all of this and I'm a jungle main, the amount of times I've tried to counter jungle a Sejuani at 7.30 (second buff spawn) and I simply can't because that's why they have the item. She can't chase me down and kill me but if i sit there and try to 1v1 I WILL lose, and she has that right because of her item choice, if I die it's my fault for staying there until it's too late, and because of it I admit it hasnt been the first time I died, and I knew it was my fault.

Note: If you really want to experience the ADC on hard mode play Varus, 575 range, no escapes at all, which means if you make a single positioning mistake you're done for, you also can't go balls deep due to the reason I just listed.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread