TeamLiquid 2014 League of Legend Awards - Celebrating the best teams, players, and drama of the year!

Fuck me, I got their supports mixed up. They were both so disappointing that I honestly forgot Zero's name (Dada got so much negative press, on the other hand, that his name is practically synonymous with disappointing Chinese support at this point). I apologize for fucking up.

As to the rest of it, I know that I was hyperbolizing his role on the team but honestly when it comes down to it he was the clutch presence that turned around games and series for Royal to get them into the finals. And while Uzi's domestic performances weren't always the greatest, the fact that he has ALWAYS been the most important person on the Rift when it comes down to it in high-pressure scenarios, and he has more consistently come through to give his team success at the highest level than any other player in the world except maybe Faker shows that he is absolutely among the top few if not the absolute best in his role.

As to the other names you mentioned, Namei and Deft are the best positional carries in the world. But Namei completely choked as soon as he started having to consistently face top 5 teams and Deft really had a supportive role on SSB because Dade and Spirit played a carrying role while Acorn and Heart peeled and protected him. Both are amazing, but neither really earned "ADC of the year" honors any more than Uzi by any stretch of the imagination. As to Imp, he clearly is absolutely amazing and has as much playmaking ability as any ADC in the world but his mental game is very often lacking, and if he hadn't had the best jungler, the best support, and solo laners at least in the top 3-4 in their respective positions it likely would have cost them multiple games in important series.

I readily admit that I'm biased, as is anyone, but I see no reason that someone who was THE carry for consecutive world final teams should be considered less worthy of an honor as the "AD Carry of the Year" than a player who dominated domestically but couldn't hold his own as soon as he reached worlds, a player who really just did his job while surrounded by one of the top supporting casts in the world and multiple players capable of consistently carrying at the highest level, and a player who carries harder than anyone else when not making horrible mental errors which would cost any but the best team in the world multiple games.

So is Uzi the best ADC in the world? I think so, but you don't have to. Did he deserve this award solely for his performance at the most important tournament of the year? Again, I think so but you don't have to. But don't tell me his achievements are any less significant than anyone else just because he struggled for a period after being forced into swapping roles and then swapping back again.

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