Tebo replaces Boulder Cafe with Capital One "Cafe-Bank" on Pearl Street.

I have to say I'm pretty tired of the Tebo bashing that has happened with this location. Boulder Cafe didn't renew their lease which was their choice, not Tebo's. Tebo's business is to rent the property they own for what the market will sustain. If it is too little then Tebo can't pay their employees and contractors, too much and the property will sit empty. It is not in their interest to pick and choose who goes into a place so to frame this like Tebo kicked out Boulder Cafe in favor of Capital One is presenting a false scenario. Boulder Cafe's lease expired, Tebo told them what their new lease would be, Boulder Cafe declined to renew and Tebo put it on the market, Capital One wanted to be in the area and is willing to pay the rent. This is how rental markets work.

Now that I've got that out of my system, do I think that having a Cafe-Bank will make Pearl St better? No. Do I think that we should limit the number of X business types on Pearl St? No. If the ecosystem of Pearl St starts to fail, people will stop going down there, business will leave and rents will drop, different business will find a home there and people will come back.

My 2c.

/r/boulder Thread Link - dailycamera.com