Teenagers, what is something you want to know?

Hey, I went to art school- VCU's Communication Arts department (fancy way of saying Illustration). My department focused heavily on being a freelance artist. I currently freelance full time working predominately for pen and paper RPG publishers and authors.

I would personally not recommend art school unless you're very driven to create art. If you're on the fence about whether or not to go to art school you might want to consider a more traditional degree and keep art for your personal hobby. You've got to be very hungry for this for it to turn out well.

Art school itself is more of a communal experience and doesn't teach you anything that you can't learn on the internet and with serious dedication (still- the kind of dedication it would require to succeed). Dave Rapoza is one of the more famous self-taught artists in today's world and also happens to be one of the bigger names. If you do want to go to a school I would still recommend you look into an atelier before you go to an art college.

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