Tell us about a wrong'un you went to school with?

Apologies but this is very graphic - I haven’t witnessed it personally but we all saw the aftermath - it was back in 1996 and we were in 5th grade. Our school was being renovated so we spent a year being hosted by a highschool nearby. One of my classmates, even though in 5th grade, was much older than all of us, maybe by 3 years so about highschool age in our contry. One of the highshcool students hit on her, probably heavily, she was a very good looking girl and also was looking very mature. Her brothers were known to live quite shady lives but no one expected/suspected that anything quite as savage as what they did could probably happen. They came to the school with an axe and attacked the student. I vaguely remember something about them hacking one if his legs - simply terrifying. We were never told what exactly went on. When we all arrived at school there was so much thick blood at the entrance. We were all scared. We were so shocked that I can’t even recall how the school justified it, they were still cleaning. Remember these were the times when they couldn’t call 200 homes to tell them not to come to school the next day. It was intense. Her older brother straight to jail not sure about the others.

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