Tell me something want to say to your supervisor - but would get fired for.

I've wanted to set this on his desk and watch the restaurant blow up from his reaction:

Daniel, your negligence is going to get someone hurt someday. It's not just us workers that you're hurting, it's our customers. Whether it's making up drama for the sake of having drama or telling our insiders to 'just go ahead and prep' those brown, wilted, slimy sliced mushrooms that were practically rotting in the back of the walk-in (right next to the expired large pizza dough balls that you told us to 'turn into mediums' instead of throwing out). You're not saving the restaurant money. You're not saving on any costs. You're *costing* our customers their health, you cheap bastard, and you're giving those of us that actually work hard to keep this restaurant from burning to the ground a very bad reputation.

You deserve to burn in a place hotter than the pizza oven for how you deflect the blame onto us when the franchise owners call you out on your neglect. You're the MANAGER. It's YOUR job to train us and teach us how to do things. Instead, whenever we ask for help, you tell us to 'figure it out' ourselves because 'it's supposed to be my day off'. (Do I even need to mention the time I had to bail you out on my ONLY day off because you nearly got arrested for driving without a license and getting into a wreck?) You never told us what you expect from us and instead choose to get mad when we can't read your mind.

Also, if jumping to conclusions was an Olympic sport, you'd be a gold medalist every fucking year. The amount of times we've been tempted to wear body cams just to prove that we're working is insane. We shouldn't have to do that, but here we are, requiring photo evidence for even the most insignificant tasks just to prove we did them. Most of the time, one fucking glance at the office computer would tell you whether or not I actually took the deposit to the bank, but no. You're too lazy to even do that.

Rot in hell, you tub of lard. This restaurant deserves leadership that actually cares about the wellbeing and health of its employees and its customers.

/r/antiwork Thread