Texts I almost sent you

If you are sitting here reading this thinking you feel the same I would say send the text.

Imagine being in your 30's and bumping into them again online and finding out that they felt the same. Imagine that by then they are married and have a kid and you are getting married with kids from a previous marriage. Imagine if your heart never stops skipping that beat when you hear from them. Imagine if you've carried their picture with you for decades. Imagine if you get to watch them celebrate all the important events of life but with someone else. You keep up a friendship with them on facebook. Never talking but liking each other's pictures and comments for 6 yrs before one of you breaks down and sends the other a message. It's still there, you are in a marriage now with someone you love but aren't in love with. His marriage doesn't seem happy. You now talk every day but he's not willing to change his life and you can't really either. So you talk about little things that happened always skirting around the bigger emotions. Every now and then one of you has a little too much wine or a drink and comes online typing out an "I love you" or "I regret leaving you " or "I can't live like this". Imagine if you are half a continent away when the person you want most says I love you and you answer back with I love you too knowing that's as close as you may ever get to touching them again.

Fuck pride, jobs, or any other bullshit that comes in the way. If you are tormented by their absence tell them. Their silence doesn't mean they aren't feeling it too. You could find out that you were both too stubborn or scared and lost the person who loved you most. You'll tell yourself it's middle age, or boredom, you'll try to convince yourself it never would have worked. Still when you are sitting up at 3 in the morning alone the thought that you should have at least tried will be what is ringing in your head.

Or I could be wrong, it could be the liquor talking.

/r/UnsentLetters Thread