TFAB's Weekly BFP Post - April 09, 2017. Got your BFP? Post your story here!

I am 30 and DH is 36. We've been together for 8 years and will have been married 4 years this August. Amazingly, we weren't actively trying for a baby. We both decided about six weeks ago that we wanted one soon, but decided to wait for a year and buy a house first. We have just stated saving for a house (We live in Surrey, UK and its redic expensive here) and thought we'd start trying at the point we got a mortgage agreed and just try not to let the baby rabies get to us too much (which was really hard).

That being said, last month we were having 'some special fun time' we kind of 'forgot but not really' to suit up (Ive been of HBC for a few years as it doesnt agree with me). Low and behold, we are one of those annoying couples who didnt have to go through months/years of trying. We knew it would be around the time I would be ovulating and I kind of had an inkling about a week ago that it was happening - I dont know how... Womens intuition maybe? Two days ago I had some light spotting that stopped yesterday so I took a test at what would have been 13DPO.

I put the test in the bottle and placed it in the fridge next to a bottle of Moet we had left over from my recent 30th birthday. When he got home I told him I had a present for him the fridge to make up for his bad day at work knowing he would be expecting beer...

His reaction was priceless. He went silent for a bit, looked at me and said 'We did it first time??!!' and just beamed at me. He has honestly been having a tough time with work for a long time and has been feeling directionless and he said that everything just makes sense now. Life is about this. We spent all evening just in a bubble of happiness and excitement talking about the future and planning. We're so happy.

Heres a picture of the test in the fridge!

/r/TryingForABaby Thread