TFW Jagex is going to throw $50,000+ towards DMM tournaments every year but can't add an Australian Server.

First off, nobody said their infrastructure wasn't capable of supporting Runescape. Nobody said anything about data usage either. Aus internet is more than capable of playing and hosting RS, yes. However, the country to country capabilities of Aus, is extremely, and I mean EXTREMELY tight. Why do you think data transfer has a higher cost? It's because of the low bandwidth available in and out of the country. Are your own personal client to server latencies and speeds in the country fine? Sure, why wouldn't they be. But Aus is less than 0.4% of the worlds population, and the amount of broad use services hosted there is proportionate. Any traffic to any game you want to play that isn't directly hosted near you, has to cross an ocean to reach its host. That traffic uses bandwidth, bandwidth that thousands of other websites, game consoles, media streaming, torrenting, conference calls, etc. all need as well. All this has to squeeze somewhere, and that's where Aus flails.

Data costs more because you're paying for your place in line so to speak, as to your prioritization on the network. Comparing Jagex to Riot and Blizz is non sensical. Blizzard, especially now that they're paired with activision, is amongst the single biggest companies in the world, and not just categorically. Riot is climbing up there as well, AND riot's system works different from either of them, using a cloud distributed network and pairing system, as well as having a direct brokered deal with AAPT, who hosts the OCE servers directly, AND in Brisbane, a matter of miles from IX Aus, or they could be using Equinix in Sydney.

So yes, your country can support it, but that wasn't the argument, the argument is that the country is unviable to host in as long as the national I/O is as limited as it is, which requires a billing scale to prioritize traffic on limited network. In order for companies that aren't pulling in a billion dollars a year to ever see any viability in hosting in Aus, Aus needs to make hosting more attractive, by improving country to country connections, recalculating how they route (i'll tell you now, most traffic connecting to the US, goes up to Asia mainland before it connects to CA.), and just in general make it worth the investment.

Right now, as a country, gaming is probably not a priority, as its still doable, streaming services aren't as big nor serving as many people, + latency is not the same as speed, so latency isn't really a problem for these services as they can just buffer ahead as they go, and in general, you guys have a mere 23 million people TOTAL in Australia, of which i'm sure a large portion is not a daily poweruser or gamer. All of this considered, I see no reason for a company who has been steadily losing money to invest in hosting there, nor do I see Australia stepping up their internet any time soon as it's unnecessary. You're at the fine line between the companies not seeing it worth, and the country not having a need. If neither end of what you perceive is a problem has a problem with the current state of affairs, then it is your job as the citizens who live there to raise the issue with the people involved. Jagex, is not one of them. Totally unfair to just tell Jagex to waste a disproportionate amount of their budget to host servers for the games minority.

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