Thank you Bernie for leading the political revolution. For many of us, Third Way neoliberals are as much of a danger as the GOP and we will never support Clinton. But we will continue to fight for the progressive values you have championed.

This is exactly how I feel. I know it is silly to say and the pessimists of the world would give me endless loads of shit for professing love for a politician but I really do love Bernie. He was the driving force for the awakening of an entire generation and opened up the eyes of a lot of people to the world they live in. I spent large sums of time and money supporting him and don't regret a second or a cent of it. I was fully behind him and prepared to torch the fields and expose every snake for who they really were. Now he's jumped into the grass with the biggest snake of them all and is trying to tell me it's safe to come in now. It's disappointing because I can't get excited about his new organization. I've been frustrated about it all afternoon and decided it's time to truly get involved in progressive organizations in my community. I guess I hoped Bernie would do the hard work for me but I'm thinking now that was selfish and naive.

Anyway, I am grateful for everything he's spent his life doing and I am sure will continue to do. I just hope his legacy is not that of the radical who gave the face of neoliberalism the golden gift progressive legitimacy.

/r/SandersForPresident Thread Link -