thank you, incels

So nothing is stopping you from finding someone.

I can't help but feel that men are held to pretty high standards and that's more what I agree with the incel sentiment on. We here a lot about the standards women are held to but you never ever hear about the flip side. How taller men earn more money (I say this as someone who's 6') or how steroid use is rising among teens. I think people overlook how high the standards for men really are and I feel people do need to bring it up more.

It's what put me off feminism, I used to support it pretty strongly back in my younger days, and not just as some way of getting into womens pants but I genuinely believed in equality. After a while though I felt as though most feminists I saw didn't want that, they seemed to want special treatment not true egalitarianism and it completely put me off. They also seemed to just dismiss mens issues when they were brought up and only wanted to focus on their own. I feel a lot of other people on the incels subreddit notice this as well.

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