That's, uh, not how you hold a cat

It makes me really sad that you received the upvotes that you did for your previous comment. I understand – though do not participate in – Reddit's odd little crusade against Tumblr, but you've exposed yourself here. Your issue isn't with the extreme application of feminist or social justice ideology, it's with transgenderism itself, and I think that's a position you ought to reconsider.

You will never actually be that gender though, just like I can rebadge my Toyota and put Lexus emblems on it, it will look like a Lexus to everyone, but the engine on the inside still has Toyota components.

Here's the thing: We know we can't change our chromosomes. We know we'll always remain our birth sex biologically. To think otherwise would indeed be delusional. But here's the other thing: We don't care.

Chromosomes mean nothing. You understand that, right? Chromosomes don't determine how the world interacts with you. They don't decide what kind of clothes you can wear, or which bathroom you can use, or whether the clerk at the grocery store calls you m'am or sir. Neither to genitals, when you get down to it (when was the last time you were required to drop trou to gain admission to the men's room?). It is outward presentation that decides all of this things, and that is where the heart of gender transition lies.

It's like when I read a news article who about a "she" but there's a a 6"4 man with a jawline like the grand canyon wearing a dress in the picture.

What can I say? Some people "pass" better than others. But that woman in the photo? She really is a woman. Why should you have greater say in determining her gender identity than she does? You don't know the internal pain she's likely had to work through to get to this point, the misery that comes with enduring male puberty when your heart tells you you're a woman. That's very real, very hard stuff, and it again both says and means a lot more about a person's lived experience than chromosomes ever could.

Fuck that it's incredibly confusing to everyone else.... I'm a special snowflake!!!!

I hear this special snowflake business a lot, and I'll never make sense of it. Most trans people don't want to be viewed as special or different. Quite the opposite – most of us would prefer to blend in and remain as normal as possible. That's in the interest of our safety and happiness. I can't speak for the prevailing attitude on Tumblr because I've never used it, but your average, everyday trans guy or gal is only looking to live a life that confirms what's in their heart. If you have an issue with other people living their truth, I don't know what to tell you.

Some men are born women, and some women are born men. Some men have vaginas, and some women have penises. It's really not that confusing. I'm sorry that this seems to upset you so much.

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