Is there any interest in getting John Oliver to do a show covering Basic Income???

It's very complex.

I'm one of those guys who started on the left, became a quasi libertarian, and now I want things to work for the average person.

In the picture, the role of government in the modern world is thought of in two ways.

  1. There is a free market and of that, people pay a tax to support welfare / areas of the common
  2. The government is there to run the economy and uses the free-market when needed to get optimal results

Judging by your statement of can everyone rely on the state, I'm going to suspect you are in camp 1.

The issue with that point of view is that so much of the modern economy is run/controlled by government. Even in the USA, the supposed free market, you have the education, healthcare, police, military, real estate, law which are all heavily government run/controlled. Throw in the central banks which support real estate and finance (which I would say are part of the government) and you have most of our society in heavily government controlled areas.

Note that by government controlled, I don't only mean direct subsidy, although that is often the case. Much of the legal industry is simply by decree. The war on drugs is a common one. It's not a direct payoff, but it is a government created industry, which heavily supports prisons, police, lawyers...

1 is becoming an increasingly impossible system with fewer and fewer naturally productive free market producers, and a massiave welfare state. They try now to support the market (it's no longer free, but it is still a market), hoping it creates enough wealth to continue supporting the state. This is resulting in massive problems that have no moral foundation and simply rely on who can get money from the state.

Why does one industry get a subsidy and not the other? Why does one person not get a subsidy and not the other?

2 is also under increasing problems and the big government folks have gotten so used to the efficiency and in leftists words (exploitation) of workers. Let's face it, few on the left would actually like to pay proper wages for engineers, textile people, manufacturing... Oh none of them do. They vacation in cheap countries. They buy clothes for cheap. They import cheap labour to fill their restaurants and night clubs. And they do it all with a smile on their face.

I'll give a classic Canadian example here. Jack Layton was a far left politician always talking about labor rights... What does he do in his actual life? He gets caught going to an Asian rub-b-tug. In leftist terminology, he is taking advantage of cheap labor and people's desperation to come to the west. If he can do it, pretty much everyone else does as well. Some of these folks even think they are righteous.

They proudly claim I have 2 degrees! I have the right to be paid more than some factory worker!

Says who? There's no market determining this. They just decree it as such.

So anyways, I really don't see 1 ever returning. I don't see us going full on libertarian free market any time to correct these massive inequalities.

So I think 2 is more workable. Money has already lost meaning with central banks. Everyone is already taking a subsidy of some kind. We might as well work to make sure we're all kind of taken care of. Either a guaranteed income or guaranteed jobs with good labor conditions.

It's still complex and I don't pretend it is going to be easy. Robots aren't doing all the work yet. How do we keep people trying to work when other people can just get free money? People often assume we'll work for the love it. Some of that might go on. People might still wish to be a doctor. But who wants to be the doctor taking the ER shift at 3 am? It's all just a big unknown.

I'm personally much more in favor of guaranteed jobs and decent labor conditions; even if it results in massive inefficiency.

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