There has been a wave of criticism after Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte said he sexually assaulted a maid, having recalled confessing to a priest how he reached into the maid's underwear as she slept. Women's rights group Gabriela said Duterte was "unworthy of his position and should resign".

Its comical that there are groups created for pointless issues. The world worries about 99% of things that are not needed in order to survive as a human which leads to EVERY mental disorder. Sexual orientation, Gender, social norms, mental health. Its seriously fucking comical. One person got raped in another country but our culture needs to be influenced on that culture bc we are right and they are wrong. Its about to be 2019 stop worrying and making groups about things that arent needed to survive. Theres still dirty water in America in a city called Flint and a million other REAL ISSUES but the loving caring women of America forgot about that bc it doesnt help their situation. Happy New Year. The world needs a better mentality and the internet is making our mentalities moral less

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