There is a decently sized subreddit dedicated to the reinstatement of Monarchy

There's a kind of upside-down belief among monarchists that monarchies are more politically stable and resilient than liberal democracies or other forms of government due to having fewer 'moving parts,' as it were, and less need for political consensus on the part of the governed.

This is easily disproven with one look at how prone to civil wars, usurpations, and other breakdowns monarchies were historically subjected to, but trads never let facts get in the way of a good romantic LARP, I guess.

Weirdly enough there's some crossover with libertarians and AnCaps who have this astoundingly incorrect view of ancient monarchies as being market paradises where the crown existed only to inspire patriotism or fulfill some symbolic role but otherwise left its subjects to run their own affairs. It's just silly supermarket-of-ideology stuff.

/r/ChapoTrapHouse Thread