There isn't a British way to deal with homeless people who want my spare change.

"Let's first start off with your complaint in the other comments "jesus you just assume everything to fit your arguments don't you." And here we have a prime example of you making ridiculous assumptions about me, and even better you think I have some reason to lie about whether or not I've had conversations with your brethren or not. I love the hypocrisy, and even more so I love the fact that I only replied to you using direct quotes (without physically adding the quote so your dumbass can sit there and reread it) from you and yet you say I'm assuming things about you. My god I'm only on the first sentence and I already want to kill myself talking to you. I assumed nothing, you did."

You cherry picked things you could reply to that you could actually subjectively disprove... because your kinda screwed on most of the other points. I would advise you against killing yourself... killing people because they're retarded is just bad form.

"Oh my, how interesting all of this is! Maybe, and I'm probably wrong here because according to you everything I've said is wrong, but just mayyyyyybe (sit down, this is going to be a HUGE revelation for you) the reason their relatives won't take them in is because of THEIR DRUG ADDICTIONS AND THE PEOPLE THEY ASSOCIATE WITH WHO ARE ALSO ON DRUGS?!?? I don't know about you, but my relatives actually like me, because I'm not a shitty person like you. I don't destroy everything/everyone in my path with my addictions and my baggage, but people like you who end up on the streets do! It's called, oh and this is fun because I said this earlier too, BURNING YOUR BRIDGES. Which leads me so wonderfully into your next remarks. :)"

Hardly a point to those that don't fuck it whilst on drugs... which you would had you ever had any actual contact with people in those situations... but you haven't. Haven't addressed the functional alcoholic point and have got no where near the fact that plenty of investment bankers working so long did cocaine.

I don't destroy anything, I lend money to my mother if I have the money to spare and I try and help out whenever I can. It just is kinda shit that people don't ask for my help more often.

"This is the part that is gold. I want to frame this and hang it over my door. If I didn't just give all my change to some hobo, I might just gild you for that one. You're so blind to your own issues that you don't even understand what is going on around you. "I had a place to stay, but there was a stupid rule about no alcohol addictions, so I was like FUCK THIS, LET'S BE HOMELESS INSTEAD!" That is how people read your comment. I already know your little Morrowind mind isn't going to be able to wrap itself around this one, so there's no point, but this is the key factor that makes you like every other hobo. The fact that you're WILLING to live on the street. It was a choice for you, and you said "yes please!" Pathetic."

I laughed at this one if I'm honest, you can't even recognize them as people and instead group them as 'hobos' again. Once again you speak about something you know nothing about, I didn't think I was going to put on the street. Then again your whole narrative is filled with such bullshit I could plant a field.

"And still you feed into my points even more, you found a place to live. Because you DIDNT BURN ALL YOUR BRIDGES. PEOPLE WHO END UP ON THE STREETS HAVEEEEEEEE BURNED ALL THEIR BRIDGES. AND WHO BURNS ALL THEIR BRIDGES!?!?!? SHITTY PEOPLE WHO WANT TO LAY AROUND ALL DAY ASKING FOR MY MONEY TO FEED INTO THOSE ADDICTIONS THAT BURNED THOSE BRIDGES IN THE FIRST PLACE!! Did you not see my super long paragraph about the progression of how one ends up being homeless??"

It isn't about burning bridges... it's about helping people who have. They don't deserve to it. What your childish mind can't seem to comprehend is that sometimes people get fucked up, I addressed this earlier but you obviously didn't read it. We have a welfare system, the NHS and help for those that need it for a reason... because addictive substances can make you do stupid things and do. I'll be happy to start paying more into that system when I get a job =). Hope it goes to help those people. It's not always bridge burning, alot of people have been raped and abused that are now homeless and had no choice but to either stay and continue getting the shit beaten out of them or enjoy a nice arse ramming. As I say again you have no fucking clue what your talking about.

"Oh jesus christ what the hell do I even say to this. How many times do I have to mention all of the bridges that must be burned to end up on the streets?!? Okay, I need to calm down. Breatheeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Okay. Yes. I realize why they're on the street. Because they have families who hate them cause they're pieces of shit, and they have unreliable trashy drugged-up friends, and guess why.....probably cause they're a piece of shit. And being bored is an excuse now to start doing drugs? If they're so fucking bored why not get a job?"

Yeah... just because a family hates a person doesn't mean the person is a piece of shit... fuck me do you even think before you type this load of bollocks. Difficult to get a job without probably any ID, a bank account and well smelling and looking like shit. How about this shut up and get out of your lovely life and go live on the street for just a week... look at yourself in the mirror after you do it and I think the answer is obvious.

"Yes, I know. I wish I didn't have to but I do. Please don't remind me that I'm paying for people like you who choose to be homeless."

I'm paying for you for any tax returns, any NHS treatment you ever get oh and if your jobless I help pay for you whilst you are. I don't mind that because I'm not a cunt, or are forgetting the heaviest VAT falls on alcohol and cigs? No you probably didn't know that because you have no idea what your talking about and I do.

"Yeah or maybe they'd stop drinking so they could live with their moms...cough cough Since you're still trying to make it through school, I figure it's only proper of me to grade your responses from here on out. Poor grammar and spelling throughout, weak arguments that have an impressive quality of circling back and proving you wrong, and general rudeness and cuntishness - you get a D. I would give you an F, but I honestly feel bad cause it really looks like you spent some time trying to come up with these silly remarks. I think maybe you should go into more detail about how you became a hobo and what you did to get off and then back on the streets again so I can tear that metaphorical pussy up too."

On the other hand you are on a British subreddit, you spell mum wrong. I give you a posh laughter at an attempt. Try better next time sunshine, hey you may even gain some empathy whilst your at it... probably not IQ though...

/r/britishproblems Thread