There has to be a way out of Education Hell. (LONG LONG RANT)

Ah I've also been pushed into the medical field but family expectations. They realized I wouldn't be cut out for a higher stress job so dentistry was the plan they had for me. They have no idea what I go through because of that though. My passion always lied in the humanities, history, and the like. It's disappointing. I've told them already. I wanted to change majors. It's too late now, considering we can't afford more years for my education. Hm. It's hard to care about anything now, knowing the hopes and dreams that once kept me together are gone. This is the cost of today's world. A large number of people will not be able to do what they want in their lives. Perhaps I am just one of those people. The point of life biologically is to reproduce. I have no interest in that. If I can't even take care of myself, how can I take care of others? There's nothing except movies and shows I care about to keep me going. Literally just staying alive to see how the first Avengers Infinity War movie turns out and to see how Game of Thrones ends. I LOVE movies, so these aren't small things to me. Even then, it's getting hard to convince myself that living any longer is worth it.

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