There's No Real Case Against Gay Marriage - Opponents rely on dubious warnings of social Armageddon.

Christian checking in.

I'm not going to get defensive, I just want to respectfully explain where I stand on this issue. I hope everyone can accord me the same respect.

As a Christian, I believe homosexuality is wrong. So is murder. So is rape. So is lying to your mom about if you ate candy before dinner. Being gay is no worse than being a liar, or being a cheater, or being a judgmental asshole (the Bible calls them Pharisees, and Jesus is specifically referring to religious leaders of that time). Keep in mind that being gay doesn't mean you're any better or worse in the eyes of God. Everyone is the same (Many Christians these days, especially "conservative Christians" who are the well-deserved victims of much ridicule and scorn today, are dead-set on this "us-vs.-them" rhetoric that is honestly idiotic. But don't get me started on hypocrisy in the church. Maybe another time).

So if being gay isn't any better or worse than any other sin in the eyes of God, then why do I oppose gay marriage?

I don't condone homosexuality any more than I condone any other sin. However, if our country was to legalize gay marriage, to me it seems like it would be condoning (and to a certain extent, even encouraging) sin. Do I like that? No. Will I accept it if it becomes a part of our body of law? Yes. What other choice would I have? Will I run around hating gays? No, definitely not. I have Christian friends who are gay. Every day is an enormous struggle for them. And as more level-headed Christians are fond of saying, "Hate the sin. Love the sinner."

You guys are absolutely right. There is no legal case against the legalization of gay marriage. Honestly, I personally don't mind if gays are allowed to marry. However, as a Christian, I can't say I approve of what would essentially be our nation allowing sinful behavior, any more than I would approve of our nation legalizing vengeance killing, pedophilia, or anything else that is morally wrong according to my religion.

/u/nicht_neues , I could just as easily say there are enough LGBTQ voters or supporters out there to make anti-religious policy politically viable. But isn't that what politics, and laws, and our whole society, are supposed to be? The will of the people, or the majority of them anyways. Otherwise, what is the support of gay marriage founded on if not purely religious and equally political reasons? Religion is just a mirror of social values.

Ultimately, it's just a matter of belief. If you've read this far, thanks. I guess I was just trying to say that religion isn't "anti-gay" just for the hell of it. We're "anti-gay" the same we would be anti-murder, or anti-lies. Or at least some of us, the ones who aren't just preparing a stump speech or pushing an agenda, are. I'm just trying to stick up for my belief the same way you are.

Also, food for thought: If gay marriage should be legal, then should polygamy?


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