This is why I hate sleeping with my wife.

...okay so my sister and her boyfriend sleep down the hall......they are both notoriously heavy sleepers , i have tried multiple times to wake them up but it is impossible, even with all the alarms blairing ..........she works nights he works my day usually goes like this

5 AM ,alarm starts blairing from across the hall, wait five minutes, another alarm kicks in, about another 5 minutes the phone alarm starts going , its a very useful alarm tone apparently, designed specifically to wake up even the deepest of sleepers...what it is ,is about 1 minute of a woman screaming bloody fucking murder, and glass breaking ...and it's loud.....and it repeats until you turn it off, according to him there is no snooze, whatever ......

now my room is about 15-20 ft or so away from theirs.......divided by my bedroom door, the chasm of the hallway, and then their bedroom door but somehow i can hear the first alarm even if i'm dead asleep under mountains of pillows....... but generally at this point, i haven't slept much (more on that in a minute) It's at around 7:20am that the baby monitor starts to go, because their daughter (who is only 2) sleeps directly under my room can also hear the ungodly alarms , so at that point i'm up, because unfortunately nobody else will wake up for her (my parents would, but they leave around 6am) .........these alarms, are specifically for lets call him 'Tom' (my sisters boyfriend) because the best part is........... we'll call her 'sally'(my sister) isnt even home yet......

recap: 3 alarms and a crying child, still not awake ,8:30 am

At around 9 am he finally wakes up.......seriously, it's on the dot, i told him he doesn't need the alarms, but he prefers the comfort of knowing that they won't wake him up anyway , after that i get to hear Rihanna-Diamonds blasting from the bathroom on loop (because it's clearly the only song ever) for about an hour until he leaves for work

the day unfolds how it will until around 3 parents get home, 'sally' is sleeping, 'Tom' is home, baby is home etc, family stuff ensues forward to about 12 am , this is when i start to get sleepy if i was unable to sleep in the day (it can be hard for me to sleep in the day if i'm tired....idk why) but at this point i very likely haven't slept for a i fall asleep ....drifting, softly, peacefully, into dreamland......and then....BAMMMMMMMMMMMMMM it's 2 AM and now MY SISTERS ALARMS get their turn to shine.....but the beautiful thing is, that they are not alone, oh no, in the beautiful silence of the night, any given night, i am awoken by "3 different klaxons, one standard clock alarm siren, one very loud and annoying phone alarm , and a radio alarm as well, that is much louder and also more poorly tuned than the phone alarm" and the cycle repeats.....only generally this time i do have to try to intervene because my sister does not have the same internal clock as her boyfriend....however after about an hour of yelling and slapping and various other annoying little brother things, i give up ....and then she usually misses work if i can't get her up by 2:45 , i'll give up, she has no chance of being on time anyway, and in all honesty i was not going to wake her up, it's just a fact ....but it's pretty shitty because....i can't turn off the alarms, not all of them... the phone alarm is generally in 'toms' pocket, and even if not is always yeah, have fun with that noise neighbors .....but , since the baby can hear the alarms just as clearly as i can from her room, i end up putting her back to sleep.......and with any luck can catch an hour or so before......

5am, the first alarm goes off

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