There's a quote of Philip K. Dick that says: “There exists, for everyone, a sentence - a series of words - that has the power to destroy you". Which sentence is it for you?

"Not everything's about you." Doesn't sound like much, but it pisses me off so much. I get told this a lot just for worrying about myself. I have clinical depression, an anxiety disorder, insomnia, and I have had an extremely difficult time worrying about myself to the point where I put everyone else before me, which completely and utterly exhausted mentally and emotionally me for the years on end I did it for. I still like to help people , but I'm trying to worry about myself more now, too. This mostly comes from my abusive mother, teachers at school, and my aunt. If you ask anyone else my age that knows me, they'll say I'm a nice guy, and helpful too. I'm always worrying about everything, and I focus on other people's problems more than my own, which is why I can't stand being told that they think I'm "Narcissistic," "Egotistical," or that I just think "Everything's about me." I know that I sound like your average teenager that thinks they have depression, so I'm sorry if I sound like that. I'm usually treated like that as well, so I try to make it a point when I do bring it up, because I usually rarely mention it, that I'm not looking for attention or anything like that. thanks for reading i'm so sorry you had to listen to my rant have a nice day

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