Theresa May trying to protect soldiers who murder prisoners and torture civilians, says top human rights lawyer

Bare in mind I'm a Center-Left, I use to hate when people used the word 'Fascist' to criticize Right-wing policies they disliked; in my opinion it would diminish what an actual Fascist is and is generally a lazy attempt at shutting down actual debate. However, it's becoming very hard to make this point anymore. May's government is rapidly becoming very good at what Farage has done for years with Xenophobia, flirting with the line. While I would not go as far as calling May's rule 'Fascist', stark and extremely worrying comparisons can be seen in her Policies to what many Political Scholars and Philosophers define as 'Fascist'. She walks the line.

Although not all authoritarian governments are Fascist, many scholars agree that Authoritarianism is a defining characteristic of Fascist governments (Reich 1970, Fritzsche 1990, Griffin 1991, Payne 1995). When we take a closer look at what defines authoritarian, the first and startling comparisons can be made. Gretchen Casper sets out four definitions defining authoritarianism (Casper 1995): 1. Limited Political Pluralism; constraints on political institutions and groups like legislatures, political parties and interest groups - Comparison: The Conservatives Sixth Periodic Review of Westminster constituencies and Wales Bill 2016.

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